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What income does the court consider when setting child support?

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2020 | Child Support |

Paying child support is the obligation of the parent who has physical custody of the children the least amount of time. This money helps to pay for the needs of the children, such as housing costs and food costs. It can be difficult to pay child support and still support yourself in your own home, but the obligation to financially support your children is something the state firmly upholds. So, it is in your best interest to understand how the court calculates child support payments. 

The South Carolina Legislature explains that income includes any form of payment you or the other parent receives on a periodic basis. This might include payments that are not earned wages, such as interest on a financial account or workers’ compensation payments. The court will count any and all wages or money earned, including those you or the other parent may earn as an independent contractor. 

There is a limited list of income that does not count towards your income for child support calculations. The payments you receive as public assistance do not count. Also, deductions from your paycheck for taxes do not count. The court also must exempt any income that federal law says is exempt. 

In general, any money you have coming into your household will be something the court considers when determining child support. It is essential to report all money you receive to the court or you could face legal charges for withholding information. Your employer also has an obligation to properly report your income when the court or the child support office makes a request.