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When can you change your legal name?

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2020 | Firm News |

You have your official legal name, which is put on your birth certificate. If you are adopted, your adopted parents can apply to have your birth certificate changed. That can be a part of the adoption proceeding or an administrative proceeding after the adoption. And again, that is related to your legal name. 

According to Insider, when you are married, you can change your name. At that point, usually it is just the last name. You might also change your middle name because you might now use your original last name, which will make your spouse’s last name as your last name. In your certificate of marriage, it would go on there, and it would then be filed away. So your birth certificate would not change, but your legal name would change. 

What does every divorce have in common? There was a marriage that started it. If you changed your name when you got married, now as a part of the divorce, you can have it in the paperwork that you get your name back. This is the name that you had before. You do not have to go back and touch the birth certificate. If you take care of it at the time of the divorce, it is already taken care of in the paperwork. 

There is again administrative paperwork sent off to the Department of Vital Statistics, and it will show your name. If you were married and divorced several times, you can change your name back and forth several times, if you forget to change it or reclaim your name in a divorce. Also, you might be a trans person who is switching or changing genders.