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Why do we now use no-fault divorce?

| Oct 5, 2021 | Divorce |

No-fault divorce is now thought of as the norm, but it wasn’t always that way. The first example of no-fault laws was only in 1953. Before that, people had to cite a reason to leave, blaming one party — a wife may say that a husband had an affair, for instance. 

These days, the majority of divorce cases are no-fault ones. The court isn’t approving or denying a divorce but just presiding over issues like the division of parenting time or the need for child support. Why have things changed this way? 

Divorce is faster, easier and less expensive 

Overall, no-fault laws make divorce easier. This can lower the costs and reduce the emotional toll on all involved, from spouses to children. The process can be faster, and people can move forward with their lives. 

People do not feel trapped 

One of the biggest differences is that people no longer feel trapped in their marriages. Someone without a reason to leave but who simply didn’t love their spouse may have felt like they had to stay unhappily married in the 1940s. Today, they can make their own decisions and seek the happiness they want. 

Additionally, people involved in certain situations — like an abusive relationship — may not have wanted to talk about them in court. Now, they don’t have to. They can just ask for a divorce without giving any details or going back over painful memories. 

What do you need to do?

Divorce is easier now, but there are still specific steps to take. Be sure you know exactly what they are.