Getting engaged is a very romantic experience. During this time, couples tend to focus on the future, including the house that they will live in and the family they will grow together. However, an engagement also results in many practical changes to someone’s legal and financial circumstances.
As a result of these practical realities, many couples decide to draft prenuptial agreements before tying the knot. Some of these couples want protection because they have watched their parents go through bitter divorces, while others simply feel that setting expectations is a wise choice that could strengthen their marriage by alleviating potential sources of tension before they have time to develop.
Social attitudes toward prenuptial agreements have certainly shifted in recent years, with people recognizing them as beneficial rather than as a statement about someone’s lack of commitment to the relationship. These are just some of the positive consequences that people derive from drafting prenuptial agreements in modern times.
1. They may improve the chances of marital success
If one defines a successful marriage as a commitment that ends in death rather than divorce, a prenuptial agreement could help achieve that kind of success.
Spouses who talk about what they expect from one another and their relationship, as well as their long-term goals, will have an easier time staying committed to their relationship and positive about one another. The process of talking about the future can help people recognize if there are incompatibility issues ahead of time or discuss matters so that their perspectives align.
2. They can protect certain property
It is often personal resources that motivate people to put together a prenuptial agreement. They already own a house that they don’t want to lose in a divorce, or they expect to inherit quite a bit of property from their parents. Prenuptial agreements allow couples to design assets as separate property and also to put in place clear expectations regarding the division of assets and financial responsibility in a divorce.
3. They reduce the challenges if they divorce
Filing for divorce is stressful and expensive for most families. However, those who have a prenuptial agreement on record won’t have to fight with one another over how to share property. They can just initiate uncontested divorce proceedings in many cases. Therefore, they will spend less time in court, and that could mean a faster and less expensive divorce.
Recognizing the numerous benefits that may result from signing a prenuptial agreement can motivate someone to broach the topic of drafting one with their fiancé.