Straight Talk On Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements
My team at The Carver Law Firm, L.L.C., in Myrtle Beach can negotiate and create a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that best meets your needs. I am principal attorney Lisa Marie Carver, and I, along with my experienced staff, can explain the process to you one step at a time and create provisions that will protect your assets. We have access to tax professionals, financial experts and accountants who can testify on your behalf.
Why You Need A Prenuptial Agreement
A prenuptial agreement is not a precursor to divorce. It’s a practical and sensible precaution to take when merging finances, assets and debts. With an agreement in place, you will avoid common pitfalls experienced by couples going through the divorce.
If one spouse comes into a marriage with significant debt, a prenuptial agreement can clarify who will be responsible for paying that debt.
Why You May Need A Postnuptial Agreement
After people get married, their finances can change significantly. They may have made more money and have accumulated more assets. This is a big reason why some couples should consider a postnuptial agreement. A postnuptial agreement is useful if:
- You didn’t create a prenuptial agreement.
- You wish to avoid a contentious child custody battle.
- You wish to stipulate to child support or spousal support payment amounts.
- You have children from a prior marriage. A postnuptial agreement can specify assets that will go to your children.
- You own a business.
- You don’t want courts dividing your property and assets for you.
Get Experienced Guidance
We provide South Carolina residents with straightforward, commonsense advice. I, along with my knowledgable and understanding staff at The Carver Law Firm, L.L.C., in Myrtle Beach, can assist you in creating prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. We will give you the answers that you need. Email us or call 843-502-0368 or toll-free at 866-623-7040.